date of birth
preferred pronouns
with what do i identify? what heritages, personal backgrounds/preferences, spiritual/cultural beliefs, or life experiences make up the tapestry of who i am as a person?
how often do i see a therapist/healer to support my mental well-being?
2-4+ times per month
once a month
as needed, throughout the year (~6 times per year)
very rarely
i've never gone to therapy
what is working for me? what aspects of my work & life are flowing smoothly and enjoyably?
why are these things working so well? how am i supported in these areas of life? what are my strengths?
what aspects of my work & life do i wish would improve? where do i feel ready to grow?
what is blocking me from this growth? do i feel limited by anything in particular right now? if so, what?
when did I first notice this becoming a challenge for me? what other parts of my life are affected by this challenge?
what challenges in my life am i most proud of overcoming? how did i get through those experiences?
if i could wake up tomorrow to the fantastic news that one problem in my life was completely solved and done with, what would i choose to have fixed? what would my life look like if this problem was gone? what problem would i decide to take on next, now that i have more space to focus on improving in other ways?
if i knew the answer would be yes, what things would i wish for?
what motivates me? what instantly gets me into a state of inspiration, action or excitement?
what depletes me? what kind of thoughts or experiences immediately shut me down?
what are my go-to ways of procrastinating?
what are my current systems for staying on track with goals? where do i struggle most: starting, continuing, or finishing a goal? what do i find does/doesn't work for me when it comes to goal setting/achieving?
if i could split myself into three different people: [1] my PERSONAL SELF - who i am in my relationship with myself and others, [2] my PROFESSIONAL SELF - how i show up to my professional life, and [3] my CREATIVE SELF - who i am when i’m doing things i’m passionate about, how would i describe a snapshot of where each ‘person’ is at right now? what’s going on in their life at this time? what’s working/not working for each of them? where do they / don’t they feel strong & confident in this phase of life?
after writing about each of them as individual people, what is one question i would ask each of them? and what did i realize those three people have in common?
if i had a coach/consultant to guide me. what results would i want them to help me get?
when i am struggling, what makes me feel most supported in getting back on track towards my goals?
free space - is there anything else i want to share or write about after doing these reflections?